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Updated: Sep 1, 2021

One of our missions is to introduce various supportive organisations which can help you to develop your entrepreneurial skills and mindset. These organisations are making a major contribution to the promotion of multicultural collaboration. with Zuzana Hradilova, the Marketing Lead

Today we will talk with Zuzana Hradilova, the Marketing Lead of Ambitious.Africa

"Amitious.Africa has been established in Spring 2020 by a group of young students supported by professionals, mainly Peter Vesterbacka, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Slush and Angry Birds. A.A started with a series of online matchmaking events connecting young changemakers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders in Africa and the Nordics. The timing was perfect – as people were forced to stay at home due to the pandemic, more people across the two continents were interested and could attend. However, it was more than just luck. Many dots had to be connected long before the events kicked off in order to bring the Ambitious.Africa concept to life.

Read the whole story told by Peter Vesterbacka, one of Ambitious.Africa’s principal backers and advisors at

Ambitious.Africa offers a chance to youth (especially students and starting, young professionals) to join the movement and gain real-life experience by running the initiative, bringing to life and running various projects, and volunteering in various areas of their interest. Ambitious.Africa also collaborates with businesses, governments, and universities, and offers a chance to pursue or start their projects with the support from young, talented volunteers. Ambitious.Africa provides access to the talent pool of young changemakers across Africa and the Nordics and supports international collaboration and exchange of young talent.

Ambitious.Africa aims to empower primarily young people in Africa and the Nordics. Among the groups that Ambitious.Africa targets are: youth, students, industry professionals and experts, entrepreneurs, startups, companies, governments, universities. They want to transform the collaboration between Africa and the Nordics within 5 years and has over 20 teams located all around the Nordics and Africa.

Ambitious.Africa offers volunteering opportunities in various fields and countries. All currently open positions can be found at If there are no open positions currently interesting for you, we highly encourage you to connect with our community – by connecting with Ambitious.Africa, you will get a chance to see the newly open positions before anyone else outside the community.

Companies and startups interested in collaboration or partnership can contact our Partnerships Team and become our members/partners at»

We will update you with the events organised by Ambitious.Africa. Stay tuned!

Author: Zuzana Hradilova.

Editor: Arina Lykova.

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