Our Projects
International and local, online and face-to-face
Our Ongoing Projects:
Accelerating Nordic Integration
Integration through Knowledge & Networks project aims at accelerating immigrant integration in the Nordic region by creating systematic changes that enable access to knowledge for social integration through a mentoring program, digitalization, and entrepreneurship over the course of 18 months.
The program will involve 500 participants from five different countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Åland.
Our Previous projects
Art for Soul
The program was created to support refugee families to overcome the crisis of relocation to Finland caused by wars and persecution in the Finnish Red Cross centre in Raahe. It includes group creative masterclasses, events and celebrations, photo sessions, crafting, cooking and self-care educational practices.
Peaceful Mind
When wars, crises and terror attacks hit us unexpectedly, the shock is so big and the level of stress is so high that even if we can be personally not involved in what is happening, our psychic cannot cope with the tragic news. Therefore, we developed anti-crisis emergent well-being assets in a private supportive environment.
Nordic Social Entrepreneurship 3.0.
NSE 3.0 is a blended educational training program designed to upskill and reskill adult learners with competencies, knowledge, and tools to fast prototype and test human-centred and digital technology-powered solutions to their own current local societal and economic challenges.
Our free resources
We started our operations in the middle of the pandemic crisis in February 2021, with the major aim of trying to do some meaningful and important things to support the international community which suffered the most from the isolation and lack of informational resources and integration abilities.